The WAF also awards architecture from around the world in numerous categories. And a live juries are held in the event to select the winners. The 2010 shortlist for the WAF awards has already been published online.
Apparently, attending WAF in Spain is somewhat expensive to many of us. The good news is, this year WAF has been declared a small competition to award free entry pass to the event and travel cost for 2.
Anyone can enter the contest, the participants just have to submit a photograph of a building preferably favorite, local examples of architectural excellence with explanation why they like that. The participant needs to appear in the photograph with the building. And need to put a text that explains the development or scheme that they really love, and tell WAF why. It can be old, new, big or micro budget, but crucially the WAF wants to know why, for the participant, it is special.
The top 10 entries will be shortlisted based on the strength of the explanation stating why their scheme embodies architectural excellence. One lucky winner will then be decided by the members of WAF’s Facebook group.
Submission deadline: Friday 22nd October 2010.
For more details please visit the Contest Page.