Architype Review tries to focus on the different building types around the world and developing a categoriesd database of building type. They take submissions and nominations review them and publish them in their all sorts of publication systems. Architype is now still open for the submission for their next reviewing (complete projects).
Architects may submit their projects that match with the asking building typologies. The deadlines are different for different building types and may change. So keep looking at their website for latest updates. At this time they are taking these categories:
Industrial by December 17, 2009
Health Care by January 25, 2010
Schools by February 1, 2010
Pure Innovation Please submit at any time innovative projects you feel are worthy of consideration for publication in Architype Review.
So those who are willing to see their projects in publications may jump in to submit. There's no submission fees by the way.
Architype Review is taking submission and nominations
on Monday 14 December 2009 - 18:32:29 | by admin
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